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Posted by Arul Jothy
Posted by Arul Jothy in free download, smart phone, Spy SMS Software
Spy SMS software is the next generation of smart phone spy software. It allows you to monitor SMS activities of a particular target cell phone. If installed on the target mobile phone, it will automatically copy all text messages (SMS) sent and received by the target mobile phone and silently forward these copied messages to your own mobile phone in real-time, all the time without the target user knowing it.The Spy SMS software also allows you.
Posted by Arul Jothy in autorun, autorun.inf, USB Drive, Windows XP
Worms spreads by creating a copy of itself and starts by autorun.inf files. It is essential to remove the malicious and autorun.inf files not only from computers but also from the source, and that is the USB Drive. PreciseSecurity have created a procedure to delete the malicious files on infected drives.
1. While the computer is still off;
2. Plugin the USB Drive
3. Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. It must be the bootable
Windows XP Installer
4. Start the computer from the CD-ROM drive. It will start Windows Setup screen
5. When the “Welcome to Setup” prompt appears.Press “R” to start the Recovery Console
6. If asked “Which Window installation would you like to logon to” select the number. Type “1? then Enter, if only one installation of Windows is present
7. Enter the administrator password, press Enter
8. It will bring you to command prompt, C:\Windows>
9. Proceed with the following command:- Type d: (This is the drive letter of USB. It can be
e: or f: defending on how many hard disk or cd drive is installed)- Type attrib -h -r -s
autorun.inf- Type “edit autorun.inf” it will open DOS Editor and display contents as
note on the file that it called to open (in above example it is file.exe)
10. Exit DOS Editor and return to command prompt, D:\>
11. Delete the file that was called
to open on DOS Editor- Type del /f /a file.exe
12. Delete autorun.inf file- Type del /f /a autorun.inf
13. Exit Recovery Console by typing exit.
Posted by Arul Jothy in ADWARE, software, SPYWARE
They may have unknowingly downloaded computer spyware from the Internet by clicking within a website, or it might have been included in an attachment to an electronic mail message (e-mail) or embedded in other software.